Why Should Your Business Carry Cybersecurity Insurance

why you need cybersecurity insurance

It’s very likely that you already have a general liability insurance policy, along with other business-related coverage. However, although most businesses assume cyberattacks are included in these policies, the truth is, they’re not. With the growing number of hacks and breaches every day, cybersecurity insurance is a must-have to protect your business from a devastating…

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Why are Authenticator Apps Better Than SMS for 2FA

why authenticator apps are better than SMS for 2FA

Using some form of two-factor authentication, or 2FA, is always a good idea to provide an additional level of protection against unauthorized access to your various business accounts. It’s an important piece of the multi-pronged approach you need to protect your business. SMS text is one popular option, which, although easy to use, is not…

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Why Should I Use a Password Manager?

Why You should use a Password Manager

No one likes coming up with, or trying to remember, dozens of passwords—who can remember them all? To get around doing that, people often just reuse the same passwords, just to make life easier. As you probably are aware, that’s a recipe for disaster when it comes to securing your business’s data. The solution to…

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Avoiding the “Microsoft 365 Trap” from GoDaddy

avoid the GoDaddy Microsoft 365 trap

GoDaddy offers incredibly attractive pricing for Microsoft 365. If you’re already using GoDaddy for other services, such as your website, why wouldn’t you take advantage of the discounted offer? As many small and medium-sized businesses have discovered, the “Microsoft 365 trap” from GoDaddy isn’t the dream deal it seems to be at first glance. Features…

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